Life Is Fragile--Handle with Care...Council
Pantoum Poem
Hold the preciousness of life in your hands
See its spark
The strand of life connects us all
See the perfect symmetry in a single cell
Be grounded
Gaze at the moon
As ancient as the mountains
You are one with everything you see
Hold the preciousness of life in your hands
See its spark
The strand of life connects us all
See the perfect symmetry in a single cell
See its spark
Be grounded
See the perfect symmetry in a single cell
Gaze at the moon
Be grounded
As ancient as the mountains
Gaze at the moon
You are one with everything you see
As ancient as the mountains
The strand of life connects us all
You are one with everything you see
Hold the preciousness of life in your hands
Jenny Dunaway 4/17/17